You have always said to your friends, since you have been in love with fashion, that is the accessory the most important part of your outfit and without a pochette, a particular scarf o a glamour sunny, you feel naked? The on line shopping web site Monnier Frères is the best you need, if you are like me an accessory dependent!
La mia sfrenata passione, nata da poco, per lo shopping on line mi ha portato ad arrivare fino a questo sito, Monnier Frères, nato a luglio di quest'anno e per ora on line in Francia, Italia e Germania (il prossimo paese sarà l'Inghilterra). Il sito nasce dall'idea di due fratelli, Guillaume e Jean, esperti di moda e di e-commerce, per dare la possibilità a tutte le donne di concentrare i loro acquisti sull'oggetto del desiderio più comune, l'accessorio. Credono fermamente all'accessorio come la parte che completa il look, che da un tocco di originalità e di carattere alla persona che lo indossa. Su Monnier Frères si possono quindi acquistare borse, cinture, foulard, occhiali da sole, sciarpe, gioielli e piccola pelletteria, delle più grandi marche italiane e straniere, in particolar modo francesi. Per capire meglio di che cosa si tratta ecco la presentazione che appare sulla home page di Monnier Frères.
My terrible passion for on line shopping, born in these months, has brought me to this new web site, Monnier Frères, born in july of 2011 and for now only on line for France, Italy and Germany (but as soon as possible it will be also on line for UK). The web site is the fabulous idea of 2 brothers, Guillaume and Jean, passioned by fashion and e-commerce, in order to give to women the possibility to do only accessory shopping, the most common fashion desire of all women. They trust in the central role of the accessory, like a bag or a foulard, of an outfit, wich give to women an original and strong allure. On Monnier Frères you can buy bags, belts, foulard and scarfs, sunnies, jewels and little leather accessory of the most important and glamour fashion brand of Italy (like D&G, Valentino) and of course of France. Here the video presentation of the new on line shopping on the home page of Monnier Frères.
In the website you can also see the story about the brands of all the accessories you can buy there! I think it's a great marketing and commercial idea and I don't think that in others shopping on line web site you can find them. I'm always interested in history cases of the most important fashion icon brands, the designer who is back to a bag or a hat and the development of a brand through the years. Here some example of what you can see in the section "designer"
What are waiting for?Let's buy something on Monnier Frères! Sign up on the web site, receive the newsletter to be up date on MF and good luck for your shopping on line, there are some glamour accessories with a good price! I've already put my attention to my favorite Moschino belt, do you remember that's in the famous wish list? Here some suggestions for you!
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Philippe Audibert |
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Borsalino |
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Moschino |
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Valentino |
molto carino questo sito!!! l'ho conosciuto da poco e non vedo l'ora di poterci fare qualche acquisto!!!
RispondiEliminase vi va passate a trovarmi
Si hai ragione, proprio oggi lo guardavo e mi son segnata qualcosa che mi piacerebbe regalarmi per Natale!Appena vinco al super Enalotto comprerò una bella borsa di Valentino!E tu cosa hai avvistato?
RispondiEliminaps: aggiunta ai contatti di gmail, fai lo stesso con noi!!!